Bik Van der Pol

Since 1995, the artists Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol work collaboratively as Bik Van der Pol. They work and live in Rotterdam (NL). Bik Van der Pol’s mode of working consists of setting up the conditions for encounter, where they develop a process of working that allows for continuous reconfigurations of places, histories and publics.

Foto: Lobau bleibt, ©System Change Not Climate Change
Film-Kunst-Musik Do, 10 OKT 2024
Foto: Lobau bleibt, ©System Change Not Climate Change
Meeting Point: U2 Hausfeldstraße (Station and Exit)
U2 Hausfeldstraße

School of Walking: Lobau oder Umbau?

The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite Martina Handler and Laura Grossmann to lead a walk to a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language: As part of the facilitators for the Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly »Klimarat« the experts lead a walk at the national park area Lobau, a contested site with for many years ongoing protest against a scheduled highway project. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!

Foto: StudioVlayStreeruwitz
Film-Kunst-Musik Fr, 11 OKT 2024
Foto: StudioVlayStreeruwitz
Meeting Point: Vorplatz Bildungscampus Christine Nöstlinger
Taborstraße 120, 1020 Wien
U1 Vorgartenstraße (10 min), Straßenbahn O Bruno Marek Allee (6 min)

School of Walking: Freie Mitte, wilder Lebensraum

The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite the architects and urbanists Lina Streeruwitz and Michael Klein to lead a walk to a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language. Studio VlayStreeruwitz is responsible for the masterplan of the urban development area Nordbahnhof and it's park »Freie Mitte«. Michi Klein works at the Wohnbauinstitut (TU Wien) and lives as one of the initiators of the co-housing project »Kohlenrutsche« in the new urban development area. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!

Foto: Schwab
Film-Kunst-Musik Sa, 12 OKT 2024
Foto: Schwab
Meetingpoint: Climate Lab Spittelau
Spittelauer Lände 45, 1090 Wien
U4, U6 Spittelau

School of walking: Alsergrounded

The School of Walking by the artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. This year, Vienna was voted the most liveable city in the world and the European Capital of Democracy at the same time, and Alsergrund is now part of the climate team. So, we should be able to get the climate crisis under control here democratically, shouldn't we? The walk through the 9th district with democracy expert Tamara Ehs and researcher and activist Barbara Laa discusses the connections between democracy, participation and successful measures against the climate crisis. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!

Veranstaltung bereits ausgebucht

Foto: Bik Van der Pol
Film-Kunst-Musik So, 13 OKT 2024
Foto: Bik Van der Pol
Meetingpoint: Zukunftshof
Rosiwalgasse 41–43. 2100 Wien
Bus 16A Rosiwalgasse (3 min), S60 Wien Blumental (11 min)

School of Walking: Zukunft für Zukunftshof?

The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite Andreas Gugumuck (Zukunftshof), Klaus Schafler (Kunsthalle Exnergasse) and Karoline Mayer (curator, photographer, filmmaker) to lead a walk at Zukunftshof, a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien, KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse and urbanize! Festival.

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!