Tamara Ehs


Spittelauer Lände 45, 1090 Wien
U4, U6 Spittelau
School of walking: Alsergrounded
The School of Walking by the artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. This year, Vienna was voted the most liveable city in the world and the European Capital of Democracy at the same time, and Alsergrund is now part of the climate team. So, we should be able to get the climate crisis under control here democratically, shouldn't we? The walk through the 9th district with democracy expert Tamara Ehs and researcher and activist Barbara Laa discusses the connections between democracy, participation and successful measures against the climate crisis. In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.
The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!