Foto: Lobau bleibt, ©System Change Not Climate Change
Do, 10 OKT 2024

Meeting Point: U2 Hausfeldstraße (Station and Exit)
U2 Hausfeldstraße

School of Walking: Lobau oder Umbau?

Promises imbedded in the language with Martina Handler and Laura Grossmann

The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite Martina Handler and Laura Grossmann to lead a walk to a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language: As part of the organizing and facilitating team for the Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly »Klimarat« the experts lead a walk at the national park area Lobau, a contested site with ongoing protest for many years against a scheduled highway project.

The Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly »Klimarat« was born out of the climate referendum in June 2020, which was supported by almost 400,000 people. One of the core demands: to give the Austrian population an active say in climate protection measures. In March 2021, the National Council asked the federal government to implement the demands of the climate referendum - and the Climate Council was born. Over six weekends, the citizens of the Climate Council developed answers to key questions about the future like »How do we want to shape our future mobility?« or »Where do we get our energy from?«. The citizens were supported by scientists from various disciplines, who contributed the current state of research. The results were presented to the federal government in mid-2022. The aim is to achieve a climate-friendly Austria - and therefore climate neutrality - by 2040.

While the first Austrian Climate Citizens' Assembly »Klimarat« was seen as a big success, politicians in power still seem to disregard it's results. What happens, if means of deliberative democracy are disregarded by ruling governments as »particitainment«? What does it do to people engaging in such processes if they are not taken seriously?  What processes do we need? How can we reach such goals?

A collaboration project by KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien, dérive and Kunsthalle Exnergasse as part of the urbanize! Festival 2024.

Ein Kooperationsprojekt von KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien, dérive und der Kunsthalle Exnergasse im Rahmen des urbanize! Festival 2024.

The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!