Lina Streeruwitz


Taborstraße 120, 1020 Wien
U1 Vorgartenstraße (10 min), Straßenbahn O Bruno Marek Allee (6 min)
School of Walking: Freie Mitte, wilder Lebensraum
The School of Walking sheds light on the investments of citizens, democratic questions and questions of the law. The artists Bik Van der Pol (NL) invite the architects and urbanists Lina Streeruwitz and Michael Klein to lead a walk to a site that speaks back to these urgencies, taking into account promises imbedded in the language. Studio VlayStreeruwitz is responsible for the masterplan of the urban development area Nordbahnhof and it's park »Freie Mitte«. Michi Klein works at the Wohnbauinstitut (TU Wien) and lives as one of the initiators of the co-housing project »Kohlenrutsche« in the new urban development area.
In collaboration with KÖR – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien und KEX – Kunsthalle Exnergasse.
The tour can be amplified via smartphone and headphones. Please bring it with you!